Thursday, June 01, 2006

When plus comes to shove...

As with so many things here in Poland it seemed an simple task, to change cable tv providers. How naive we are. When will we ever learn that nothing here is straightforward or easy?

Firstly, the contract is renewed by the company in yearly instalments, which makes it difficult to remember the exact date you started and, before you know it, they've signed you up for another year. So the only option was to give, in writing, three months notice. Three months. On something you pay for monthly. Ok, it's a nuisance, but that's the terms of the contract. The CONtract.

So that's done. A week later a letter arrives, expressing great sadness that we're leaving the company. It looks like they really care, they've even highlighted part of one sentence, of what is otherwise a standard photocopy, in bold. A phone call follows, offering a discount if we decide to reconsider and stay.

What discount?

Well, for the next three months, half of what you're paying now.

And then?

Then it will go up by a quarter, then after three more months up a further quarter.

So inside six months I'll be paying the same as I am now? Fantastic. Can you ring me back tomorrow to discuss the finer details?

Er, no. Can't tomorrow, have to do it the day after...

Some incentive to stay that was. So thanks for trying so hard to keep our business.

Returning the equipment made an even bigger joke of the whole situation. If it wasn't so ridiculous it would be laughable. No wonder people put the decoder, cables and card in an envelope and post it back to them.

We rang the company.

You can take it to Targówek shopping centre and leave it at the customer service point there.

You mean the cardboard cutout 'office' place, where the girl sits on a computer chatline all day? Looking bored and sighing loudly if you ask for any help?

That's the one. Just leave it there.

But they don't accept it. They can't. Because the girl on the desk has cat litter for brains and doesn't know what to do. So we have to bring it back home and try again. Another phone call. Another address. Another part of the city. Another pointless journey. Another feckin' refusal.

We can't accept it.

Why not?

Because it's a day early. We can't accept it before the end of May.

But today is the 31st.

No, has to be tomorrow.

Can't you write a receipt for tomorrow?

No, it's forbidden.

Can I leave it?

No, it's forbidden.

I'll have to take it home and drag it back here at my own convenience and expense again, then?

You'll have to.

So we still have the equipment. As the new company can't connect for a week or two, we're using it to watch the Vicar of Dibley. We get to keep the satellite dish though. I think it'd make a nice bird bath. Or it would if I'd let the pigeons anywhere near the balcony.

1 comment:

Simon said...

In case anyone is interested, the company is CYFRA+ and we're not the only ones to have trouble ending a contract and returning equipment. In some countries, the customer is king. In Poland, the customer is just a nuisance...