Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Nests of a different kind

On the return from our week in Brittany we had a couple of days in Bayeux. It's a lovely town, albeit slightly over-run by American tourists doing the whole Normandy beach thing. You could see them at bars and cafés around the centre, retelling the stories of death and glory. Our charming bed and breakfast was close to a museum and one of the war cemeteries where so many of their comrades ended up. We walked around part of it one day, the rows of white stones bright in the late afternoon sun. A group of English school kids were coming in as we were leaving and I heard one lad say vehemently, 'It's not nice, it's depressing' and that was exactly what it was.

So it was with more positive feelings that we saw this tank, parked outside the museum. Inside the end of the gun turret, a pair of sparrows had built a nest and the parent birds were busy going to and fro feeding their family. If only all gun barrels could house a family of birds then maybe there wouldn't be so many sad stories in the world.

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