Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Farnworth jest fajne!

Having bought a great head of broccoli in Asda last Friday, we decided to steam it with a few potatoes and cover the lot in a cheese sauce. Agnieszka pointed out we only had ordinary cheese in the fridge, so I said I’d go to Aldi on Market Street and see if they had anything more interesting. They had. Gorgonzola for 99p.

I took it to the till. The girl looked at it, scanned it, looked at it again.

‘Is it alright, that?’ she asked, looking a bit wary.

‘It is,’ I said.

‘Is it supposed to be like that?’ She said, still looking closely at the packet.

‘It makes great cheese sauce,’ I said, wondering how long this would go on for.

She looked more closely, almost touching the packet with her nose.

‘But… but… it’s FURRY!’ She exclaimed.

‘Well,’ I said, ‘If it kills me, I won’t be back.’

I wandered home thinking about how it can be possible that people go through life not knowing about the delights of blue cheese. But then, this is Farnworth.

On a different note, after weeks of faffing, I finally finished pointing the wall. All that remains is to seal it with pva adhesive and then paint it white. The idea being that the sun, if we get any, will reflect heat and light into the yard and make it warmer and drier. That’s the theory anyway

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