Tuesday, March 25, 2008

From grim to Greece...

There's been an advert in the Manchester Evening News a couple of times now, for a 'smile' clinic somewhere in the city. It shows two photos of a smile. The first is of a badly-lit, miserable-looking gurning face, while the second is of a bright, cheesy grin with full-on flash. The people who run the clinic obviously believe that potential customers will look at the two photos and see a marked improvement because of the fantastic dental technique, rather than differently-staged pictures. I am reminded of a similar tactic, where they show two bodies in side view, one obviously breathing out, relaxed, with a big stomach bulging over too-tight trousers and the other of the same person sucking in for all their worth. This, the advertiser would have you believe, is all due to their amazing slim product / lycra corset / elastic trousers. They must think people are stupid. And, in fact, a lot of people are, otherwise these companies wouldn't have the money to pay for adverts in national newspapers.

With this kind of tactic in mind, I now present my new, upgraded, tarted-up, glam wall. What was once a dreary and drab pile of bricks - as you can see here:
Has now been transformed, as if by magic (by only the application of some 'wonder paint'), into something straight off a Greek island.
I hope to use this tactic in the future when we come to sell the house and by clever camera-work and lighting, turn our modest two bed terrace into a glitzy four bed mansion. At three times the market value of course. Cynical? Me?


Unknown said...

To sell at three times market price you don't need to make it look like a Greek island mantion. You need to add extra on top a BIG TELLY!

Simon said...

And, of course, the other must-have for the benefit scrounging generation: a leather settee.